Gakuyu FCS is a two wet mill society named Ndimaini and Kirigu. The cooperative society was registered in 1996 and the main office is located at Ndimaini wet mill, the source for this coffee.
Current total membership of the cooperative is 2506 active members out of which 827 are female and 1646 are male. Total number of coffee trees is 375,900, with growth and production decreasing as land comes under pressure. On average, each farmer owns around 150 trees across 0.5 hectares.
Selective hand picking of red ripe cherries is practiced by farmers of Ndimaini wet mill, with harvested cherries delivered for pulping at the wet mill the same day.
After pulping, the pulped beans are fermented for mucilage removal for 16-18 hours. Thereafter the beans are washed and graded.
Parchment is dried under the sun to a moisture content of 10.5 -11.5%.
The dry parchment is then hulled, graded, sorted, and bagged, finally being marketed by Sustainable Management Services Ltd through the Nairobi Coffee Exchange Auction.