Here at TCO, we are always considering the extensive choices available in the world of coffee. Producers continue to work hard to diversify their products to remain competitive, locally and globally. This is why we now see historically region-specific varietals being grown at radically different origins e.g. SL28 (a Kenyan varietal) being grown in South America.
Climate change and knowledge transfer from the wine industry are driving this diversification. However enjoyable these developments may be, we believe there is a lot to be said about great coffee that is processed in traditional ways. This is why we have decided to bundle together a set of coffees that represent the quality and flavour of tradition.
We are proud to launch our Community Classics collection, where we can showcase delicious coffees that are the work of not just one farmer, but an assemblage of smallholders. Community coffees, like the San Sebastián, are the product of many smallholders who grow coffee alongside other crops. Together, they provide their coffee to local processing mills who manage quality control and the appropriate compensation for speciality grade coffee. On the consumer end, this translates to a high quality product that represents excellent value for money.
While the coffee industry can become preoccupied with ‘single farm single origin’ coffee, we think it is worth emphasising the power of community.